Phase 3 of D-Link DNS-323 hacking - Placing ffp on USB stick

I wanted to run ffp (fonz fun plug) running from a USB stick to minimize drive spin up. Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work. It seems like there are many ways to do this, and they vary with the version of ffp (even two methods for the same version of ffp 0.5

It's pretty easy to mount and format the USB, so I can use that if needed. Anyway, I won't be spinning the disks too much, and I need to move on. But here are some rough notes on this.

Try to run ffp from USB

root:~# mkdir /mnt/HD_a2/.bootstrap
root:~# cd    /mnt/HD_a2/.bootstrap

root:/mnt/HD_a2/.bootstrap# wget -O

root:/mnt/HD_a2/.bootstrap# wget

root:/mnt/HD_a2/.bootstrap# head
### - Custom initialization script - Jeff Kosowsky
### Loads usb-storage.ko module to allow usb filesystems if not already
###     in kernel (either integrated or already loaded as a module)

root:/mnt/HD_a2/.bootstrap# file usb-storage.ko
usb-storage.ko: ELF 32-bit LSB relocatable, ARM, version 1

root:/mnt/HD_a2/.bootstrap# vi

Make sure that the variable USBFFPPART refers to the right USB partition. If you have only 1 USB drive attached and it has only 1 partition, then this should be /dev/sdc1. 

root:/mnt/HD_a2/.bootstrap# reboot

==> Rebooting didn't cause ffp to run from the USB

Just format and mount the USB

root@dlink:/mnt/HD_a2# cat /proc/partitions
major minor  #blocks  name

   7     0       5712 loop0
  31     0         64 mtdblock0
  31     1         64 mtdblock1
  31     2       1536 mtdblock2
  31     3       6336 mtdblock3
  31     4        192 mtdblock4
   8     0  976762584 sda
   8     1     530113 sda1
   8     2  975715807 sda2
   8     4     514080 sda4

root:/mnt/HD_a2/.bootstrap# insmod usb-storage.ko
root:/mnt/HD_a2/.bootstrap# cat /proc/partitions
major minor  #blocks  name

   7     0       5712 loop0
  31     0         64 mtdblock0
  31     1         64 mtdblock1
  31     2       1536 mtdblock2
  31     3       6336 mtdblock3
  31     4        192 mtdblock4
   8     0  976762584 sda
   8     1     530113 sda1
   8     2  975715807 sda2
   8     4     514080 sda4
   8    16    1990656 sdb
   8    17    1990624 sdb1

root:/mnt/HD_a2/.bootstrap# mke2fs -L USB /dev/sdb1

mke2fs 1.41.0 (10-Jul-2008)
Filesystem label=USB
OS type: Linux
Block size=4096 (log=2)

root:/mnt/HD_a2/.bootstrap# df
Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs                    9911      7471      1928  79% /
/dev/root                 9911      7471      1928  79% /
/dev/loop0                5760      5760         0 100% /sys/crfs
/dev/sda2            960404324     37384 960366940   0% /mnt/HD_a2
/dev/sda4               497861        18    497843   0% /mnt/HD_a4

root:/mnt/HD_a2/.bootstrap# mkdir /mnt/usb

root:/mnt/HD_a2/.bootstrap# mount -t ext2 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/usb

root:/mnt/HD_a2/.bootstrap# df

Filesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
rootfs                    9911      7472      1927  79% /
/dev/root                 9911      7472      1927  79% /
/dev/loop0                5760      5760         0 100% /sys/crfs
/dev/sda2            960404324     37384 960366940   0% /mnt/HD_a2
/dev/sda4               497861        18    497843   0% /mnt/HD_a4
/dev/sdb1              1959344      2928   1856888   0% /mnt/usb

edit so 
   USBFFPPART = /dev/sdb1   (from /mnt/usb above)
