Appendix B : List of laws related to banking and finance in Japan
(from Tatewaki, Banking and Finance in Japan, pp. 206-207)
Note that because Japan is a civil law country, unlike the US which is a common law nation, these laws are particularly important.
Name of Law Year of Law
Agricultural Co-operatives Law 1947
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Finance Corp. Law 1952
Anti-Monopoly Law and Fair Trade Law 1947
* Bank of Japan Act 1882
Bank of Japan Law 1942
* Banking Act 1890
* Banking Law 1927
Banking Law, new 1981
Commercial Code 1899
Credit Associations Law 1951
Deposit Insurance Law 1971
Environmental Sanitation Business Finance Corp. Law 1967
Export-Import Bank of Japan Law 1950
Fishery Co-operatives Law 1948
Foreign Exchange Bank Law 1954
* Foreign Exchange Control Law 1941
Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law 1949
Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Control Law, rev. 1979
Foreign Exchange Fund Special Account Law 1951
Government Bond Law 1906
Hokkaido Tohoku Development Corp. Law 1956
Housing Loan Corp. Law 1950
Industrial Co-operatives Law 1900
Insurance Business Law 1939
Investment Advisory Law 1986
Japan Development Bank Law 1951
Japan Finance Corp. for Municipal Enterprises Law 1957
Labor Credit Associations Law 1953
Law Concerning Foreign Securities Firms 1971
Law Concerning Foreign Insurance Companies 1949
Law Concerning Joint Operations of Trust Business by Banks 1943
Law Concerning Reserve Deposit System 1957
Law Concerning Control of Receiving Capital Subscription
Deposits and Interest Rates 1954
Law for Small Business Co-operatives 1949
Loan Trust Law 1952
Long-Term Credit Bank Law 1952
Mutual Bank Law 1951
* National Bank Act 1872
Norinchukin Bank Law 1923
Okinawa Development Finance Corp. Law 1972
Overseas Economic Co-operation Fund Law 1960
People's Finance Corp. Law 1949
Postal Savings Law 1947
Public Finance Law 1947
* Savings Bank Act 1890
* Securities and Exchange Law 1947
Securities and Exchange Law, rev. 1948
Securities Investment Trust Law 1951
Shokochukin Bank Law 1936
Small Business Credit Insurance Corp. Law 1958
Small Business Finance Corp. Law 1953
Temporary Interest Rate Adjustment Law 1947
Trust Law 1922
Trust Business Law 1922
Trust Fund Bureau Fund Law 1951
* Laws which are no longer effective.