
Upgrading Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 Using Git

The Drupal UPGRADE.txt file and upgrade handbook page provide a lot of good information and procedures to perform a major upgrade (ex. 6.x => 7.x).

However, if you're looking to manage your Drupal 7 installation using Git, the upgrade guides don't provide Git-specific advice.

Here's a procedure I found useful when upgrading Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 using Git.

First, clone the Drupal 7 git repository using this :

git clone git://github.com/drupal/drupal.git

Installing and using Drush Make

Drush and Drush Make are two great utilities for folks who use Drupal.

Here's how to setup and use Drush Make :

Create a ~/.drush directory and download Drush Make to there :

  $ cd
  $ mkdir .drush
  $ cd .drush
  $ wget http://ftp.drupal.org/files/projects/drush_make-6.x-2.0-beta6.tar.gz
  $ tar -xvzf drush_make-6.x-2.0-beta6.tar.gz
  $ cd /var/www/yoursite
  $ cat makeYourWebSite.txt
     core = 7.x 
     projects[] = drupal 
  $ drush make makeYourWebSite.txt

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